The Role of Hemoglobin Test Kits in Every Stage of Motherhood 

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Did You Know?

As per the WHO (World Health Organization), 52.2% of pregnant women suffer from anemia, which affects the child’s development.

Pregnancy is one of the most sensitive periods in women’s lives, and we all want to cherish the human being that is growing in us. Women take all the precautions that need to be taken, but we sometimes avoid the most important ones because we aren’t aware of them. We are sure you are wondering what it is. 

We all certainly know about the hemoglobin test, but are you aware of how essential this same hemoglobin blood test is during pregnancy?

Let us recognize the importance of hemoglobin and the constant necessity to monitor it throughout our nine-month journey to motherhood. Let us walk you through a guide to make you more aware and cautious when pregnant.

The Need For HB Testing During Different Trimesters for a Healthy Baby

The need for Hb testing during different trimesters for a healthy baby

The component of our blood cells called hemoglobin helps to distribute oxygen throughout our body, including our muscles and every organ. For our bodies to function effectively, oxygen plays a significant role. The production of hemoglobin by our body requires iron. Hemoglobin is the name of the protein found in red blood cells. The need for hemoglobin during pregnancy increases because oxygen must be transferred to the developing fetus inside the womb.

In order for the body to produce more hemoglobin during pregnancy, more iron will be required. A woman’s body is deficient in iron, which causes her to have low hemoglobin during pregnancy, which is harmful to her health and the health of her unborn child. 

Thus, anemia—a medical term for iron deficiency—is detected using the hemoglobin test. Your body experiences numerous changes during pregnancy. Even the blood volume in female bodies increases as the blood transports all the necessary vitamins for a baby’s development. Most women’s iron levels for the second and third trimesters remain deficient, and if your body cannot fulfill the demands of its iron requirement, then you will be anemic.

Globally, approximately more than one-third of pregnant women experience anemia, a condition associated with increased rates of maternal deaths.

TrimestersLevel of HemoglobinAnemia condition

                                                                                    Range of hemoglobin for anemia detection as per WHO and UNICEF 

Anemia During Pregnancy

Continuous monitoring of hemoglobin levels is necessary in pregnancy; it helps to assess anemia early. Hemoglobin testing during pregnancy targets monitoring hemoglobin levels during pregnancy so as not to witness a dramatic decline that could endanger the health of both the woman and fetus.

There’s an increase in blood volume in the expecting mother’s body to cater to the needs of the fetus; however, they experience mild anemia for some duration of their pregnancy. If the hb range reaches between 6-8.5 g/Lt it can increase the risk to the child’s and mother’s health and may also decline the child’s general growth and development. Furthermore, during your first two trimesters, if you are anemic, then the chances of having a preterm baby or low-weight baby are high. Anemia due to iron deficiency is also a burden for the mother, as it increases the risks of blood loss during labor delivery and makes fighting infections a challenge.

Women’s bodies are thought to be more susceptible to anemia during pregnancy, as during the whole pregnancy, the woman’s body changes a lot; the amount of blood in your body increases by 20% to 30%. That means your body needs more iron for more red blood cells. The following factors raise your risk of anemia during pregnancy:

  • Having two pregnancies in quick succession
  •  Possessing multiple children
  •  Morning sickness that causes frequent vomiting
  •  Inadequate consumption of iron-rich foods
  • Before getting pregnant, experience a heavy menstrual flow

 Now you might wonder why it is crucial to keep a constant eye on hemoglobin during pregnancy. You must consume enough iron, vitamin B12, and folic acid for the growing fetus. Anemia, especially in the first trimester, may affect the fetus’s growth. Untreated anemia increases the likelihood that your newborn will also have anemia, which can cause developmental issues.

Anemia in Pregnancy can Lead to Several Complications, Including: 

  • Premature delivery. 
  • Bleeding when giving birth. 
  • Anomalies in fetal development. 
  • Placental separation before the due date.
  • Low birth weight of baby 
  • Postpartum depression
  • Low IQ of baby

For these reasons, a hemoglobin test during pregnancy is imperative, as it helps you stay healthy and have a healthy baby 

Preventing Anemia at the Right Time 

Preventing Anemia at the Right Time

We believe that any risk factor that may have an impact on a pregnant woman’s health or the growth and development of her unborn child should be avoided, including iron deficiency, which causes anemia.

Pregnant women are constantly encouraged to increase their intake of iron-rich foods, including iron supplements, and many of them do. However, we must routinely check our blood hemoglobin levels to determine whether or not we are consuming enough of the amount that our bodies require.

Now you might wonder who will regularly go to the laboratory for blood tests don’t worry, we have a solution for you: the TrueHb Hemoglobin Kit, through which, at your convenience, you can easily measure your hemoglobin level during pregnancy

Features Of TrueHb Test Kit

  • Using the TrueHb test kit, your blood hemoglobin level can be determined in just 60 seconds, making it a rapid test.
  • Since the TrueHb test kit results have been tried and approved at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), the accuracy of the results generated by this HB home test kit is confirmed.
  • By using this regularly, you will be able to monitor your readings and compare them with the previous ones, as it can store a total of 1000 readings, helping you to keep a check.
  • Its Bluetooth data connectivity can enable you to transfer information to your gadgets.
  • The test kit features a digital display and advanced features designed to make it easier and hassle-free for you to get accurate readings.
  • Due to a digital display of all information, this device’s design is convenient for users since it allows easy operation through that interface.
  • It also has a 3.6-volt rechargeable battery in it. You can use your device nonstop for a long time.

There are Three Easy Steps That You can Follow to Measure your Hemoglobin Levels Using our Hemoglobin Home Test Kit:

Step 1

Turn on the True Hb meter and insert the test strips, following the code on the screen. Match the batch code, or else put the code manually with the help of the left, right, and up-down buttons.

Step 2 

Prick your finger with the TrueHb-provided 23-gauge lancet (needle), remove the first two droplets of blood, and use the third drop to apply the blood to the strip. 

Step 3

Wait for 60 seconds to get your result. 


We, as women, always want to protect our babies throughout our lives. Now it is time to be more mindful and take steps toward motherhood from day 1. To help you with that first step, we at TrueHb have designed this home test kit, which will help you regularly test your blood hemoglobin levels during pregnancy. 

This will help to safeguard yourself and your little ones from life-threatening conditions like anemia. Anemia can be treated and prevented by maintaining a diet high in iron, vitamin C, and B vitamins. As responsible parents, we should promptly be aware of this and take appropriate steps. 

Shop your home testing HB testing kit from True HB today.

FAQs by Hemoglobin Test Kits

How can I increase my RBC during pregnancy?

Maintaining a diet high in iron, vitamin C, and B vitamins or parental supplements. It will help you increase the count of red blood cells in your body and prevent you from developing a serious health condition like anemia.  To determine whether or not we are consuming enough of the amount of vitamins that our bodies require, it is recommended that one always keep a check on Hb levels in the body. Along with a healthy diet, it is essential that you also constantly measure your hemoglobin levels during pregnancy.

At any point during pregnancy, hemoglobin levels less than 122 g/dL are odd. However, fluctuation in Hb levels throughout pregnancy is normal, but to prevent complications, constant monitoring of the hemoglobin level during pregnancy is essential, as it helps in the timely detection of anemia.  Hemoglobin testing during pregnancy targets monitoring hemoglobin levels so as not to witness a dramatic decline that could endanger the health of both the woman and fetus.

 The production of hemoglobin by our body requires iron. Hemoglobin is the name of the protein found in red blood cells. Throughout pregnancy, hemoglobin is essential. Given that it benefits the growing fetus inside the mother,. Iron and folate acid deficiencies are the most common causes of anemia during pregnancy. Anemia increases a mother’s risk of postpartum infections and preterm delivery.

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