Heavy menstrual flow, low hemoglobin? Let’s check with TrueHb!

Heavy bleeding not only lowers your hemoglobin levels but also takes away the glow of your skin. Monitoring hemoglobin during heavy flow helps keep your body and skin healthy.

Monitor Hemoglobin in Menorrhagia

Why do you need to monitor hemoglobin in Menorrghia??

Heavy bleeding and low Hemoglobin dull your shine!

When a female suffers from heavy flow or bleeding/, during her periods and changes pads or tampons every 2 hours, the condition is called menorrhagia. About 45% of females suffer heavy menstrual flow that not only affects their health, skin texture, and skin glow but also hampers their work productivity. The average female generally has a menstrual cycle of 4 to 5 days and loses around 2 to 3 tablespoons (approximately 40 mL) of blood. In comparison, a female with menorrhagia suffers bleeding for more than 7 days with 5 to 6 tablespoons of blood loss (approximately 80 mL).

During these periods, significant blood loss leads to low hemoglobin levels in the body, thus causing iron-deficiency anemia in females. A healthy female has a haemoglobin range of 12 to 15.5 g/dL, which drops to less than 10 g/dL in anaemic females with menorrhagia.

The doctors recommend iron supplements, dietary changes, and medications to manage the condition. These treatment options may affect the health of the female due to their side effects, like nausea and constipation with iron tablets. Therefore, it is essential to monitor your hemoglobin to check if iron supplements are increasing your hemoglobin levels and protecting you from anaemia. Hemoglobin also gives a red colour to the skin by carrying oxygen to the skin cells. When the hemoglobin levels are low, less oxygen reaches the cells and causes dullness to the skin. Monitoring and managing hemoglobin levels keep you safe from diseases like anaemia and make your skin glow and radiant. Keep shining with TrueHb!

Role of Hemoglobin monitoring during menorrhagia

Role of Hemoglobin monitoring during Menorrhagia

What TrueHb users have to say

Empower Your Health Journey with TrueHb

TrueHb Hemoglobin Monitoring kit

US Patented Technology | Instant Results | Wide range of measurement | Accuracy as per US CLIA guidelines

1. Rechargeable Battery
2. Accuracy as per USFDA CLIA guidelines
3. Wide Measurement Range 0-24 g/dl
4. Operating range 5-55°C
5. Two Years Shell Life of Strips
6. 23 Gauge lancets for accurate results

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How TruHb is useful in menorrhagia?

In menorrhagia, heavy menstrual bleeding leads to excessive blood loss and then lowers hemoglobin levels. TreuHb is used to measure the hemoglobin levels and  management of the condition. In case of dietary changes, TrueHb helps the female to monitor and let the female know the increase and decrease of HB

The normal range for adult women is around 12 to 15.5 g/dL. In menorrhagia hemoglobin levels drops due to prolonged and heavy bleeding.

Yes, heavy bleeding lowers the haemoglobin levels, thus, causing anaemia in females with menorrhagia.

Treatment options include iron supplements, dietary changes, and medications to control heavy flow.

Fatigue, weakness, pallor (pale skin), shortness of breath, dizziness, brittle nails, headaches, and low work productivity are some of the symptoms of anemia in women with menorrhagia.

Monitoring hemoglobin levels is essential for effectively diagnosing and managing menorrhagia. It provides valuable information about the female’s overall health and treatment efficacy.  

A small drop of blood sample is required to measure hemoglobin levels by TrueHb kit. The blood can be withdrawn by simple pricking.

Yes, heavy menstrual bleeding can be observed in medical conditions such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis, or bleeding disorders. Menorrhagia may also be related to hormonal changes.

Yes, menorrhagia can affect women at any age except women who are on menopause.

Untreated menorrhagia and low hemoglobin levels can lead to complications such as anemia-related symptoms, fatigue, weakness, difficulty in concentrating in studies or at work, hampered work productivity, and decreased quality of life.

Hormonal contraceptives, such as birth control pills, hormonal IUDs, and hormonal injections, are often used to manage menorrhagia.

Women with menorrhagia can be proactive by keeping track of their menstrual flow and monitoring hemoglobin levels regularly.

Let us know about your health issues!

Recognizing symptoms is vital for addressing hemoglobin deficiency. If you've noticed any symptoms, please share your email/phone number for symptom results for a free consultation with us if you are concerned about your health.